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  • Trisha Harris

How The Narcissist Keeps The Game Going Non Stop

Welcome back to Thriving x Nature! If you've ever wondered how narcissists manage to keep their manipulative games going nonstop, you're in the right place. In today's blog, we're diving deep into the tactics and strategies that narcissists use to maintain control, charm, and confusion.

1: The Charm Offensive: Narcissists are known for their charming and charismatic personalities. In the beginning, they sweep you off your feet with compliments, gifts, and affection. It's all part of what we call the "charm offensive." They use this tactic to create a deep emotional connection and make you feel special. But it's just the beginning of their game.

2: Love-Bombing: Love-bombing is another key strategy narcissists employ. They shower you with affection, attention, and declarations of love. This creates a dependency on their approval and affection, making it harder for you to see their true intentions.

3: Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a manipulative technique where narcissists distort your reality. They make you doubt your perceptions, memories, and feelings. It's like living in an emotional funhouse, where up is down, and wrong is right. Gaslighting keeps their games going by keeping you confused and disoriented.

4: Devaluation: After the initial charm offensive, narcissists often move into the devaluation phase. They start criticizing, belittling, and devaluing you. This emotional rollercoaster keeps you on your toes, desperately trying to regain their approval.

5: Isolation: Narcissists often isolate their targets from friends and family. By cutting you off from your support system, they increase their control and make it challenging for you to escape their grasp.

6: The Hoovering Technique: The "hoovering" technique involves narcissists attempting to suck you back into the relationship after a breakup. They may send mixed signals, apologize profusely, or promise to change. It's a way to maintain control and ensure you remain a source of narcissistic supply.

7: Future Faking: Another tactic narcissists use is "future faking." They make grand promises about the future, such as marriage, a family, or a life together, to keep you invested in the relationship. However, these promises are often empty, and the narcissist has no intention of following through. Future faking keeps you hopeful and committed, even when the narcissist's actions don't align with their words.

So, there you have it – the tactics narcissists use to keep their manipulative games going nonstop. Understanding these strategies is the first step in protecting yourself from their emotional manipulation.

If you found this post helpful, please share it with anyone who might benefit from this information. And remember, knowledge is your best defense against narcissistic manipulation. If you would like to go deeper on this topic consider subscribing to my youtube channel "The Narcissist Survivor Guide" where I put out new videos to help you recover and heal from narcissistic abuse.

Until next time, take care.

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